Friday, October 29, 2010

So the seasons over!!!!

well this sucks. i just had my last game of the year so yea. It was awesome because i caused and recovered a fumble . oh yea i played Dixie and when i got the fumble i think i broke my thumb. so in the end i only lost by 1 touchdown.
 Just so you know im a big fan of starwars and halloween. so i love this picture

Sunday, October 10, 2010

boo hoo...

well yesterday i had my football game in moapa and the game was at nin oclock. Me and my dad left at 6:45 for the game. And it sucks because we lost in over time  and n over time they put the teams 5 yards from the endzone for a touchdown we went first and didnt make it so our quaterback got ticked and he has anger manegment issues so he spiked the ball and it went flying and he almost got kicked out.So they went to the other 5 yard line and we held them until fourth down then they hiked the ball. i blizt and almost sacked the quaterback.the best running back, secound smallest on the team(im the smallest !), other corner besides me wa literlly TWO STINKIN INCHES AWAY FROM THE BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we lost there agaist the pirates.I played great i feel like i know what to do now. i nailed the running back like what FIVE TIMES and every time they lost yards. one time i hit the guy out of bounds and he hit the teamates on their team. wow. im awsome allright. ben since i know you will be reading this you need to visit in the next two weeks. so you can see at least one game. and for an intense game of **** you know what the stars are. Bye guys.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

game day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was my sweet poses for my first game. sadly we have lost all four games... but im allright cuz i played awesome all FOUR games!
We have four coaches sometimes five but the one in the picture is my fav because hes MY main coach not all my team just the kickoff team kick return team, and corners which is what i play. corner baby!!
thats me in the game on kick return.
thats me number 6. then theres chase morgan a buddy of mine number 80. its our first year playing and im already on all defenses. chase is on two of the three defenses. we are both awesome.
me as saftey!!!!!!!!!!!!

me about to make the tackle... i did do it BEN. don't doubt me!